Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things Are Amazing

Everyday that I am here with my beloved Autumn seems better than the
last. My life has changed so drastically in the last few months and I
know that it can only get better. Autumn is sweet, kind, beautiful..
All the things I have always wanted in a girlfriend. She shows me that
she loves me everyday.

So as I'm sure you can see I have changed things around a bit. I no
longer have to use blogspot. I asked Autumn if I could host the blog
on the server that she uses and she very enthusiastically said yes.
Not only that, She started getting it done moments after I asked her
to. She even installed the shiny new Wordpress install and saved me
about half an hour of work. I haven't started working on any design
that will stick around for a great while. I am happy to just get
started working on which plugins I want installed and maybe set up a
few static pages as well.

I adore Autumn and everyday I grow to love her more. Now that I am
embarking on a great new adventure and I have a nice shiny and
convenient copy of Wordpress installed I will be updating far more

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A New Beginning

Ok, so I guess since so much has happened since my last post I should
let everybody know what is going on in my life. Some people will be
aware of all this since I am pretty active on fb and other places some
people will not be aware of these new developments.

I have finally gotten out of Boise. I am now living in Cheney, Wa with
my girlfriend. This is a huge change for me. I miss everyone in Boise.
All my Dance Culture friends, All my Gothic/Industrial friends. My
close family, Mom, Felix, Za, and Imani. But I am glad to be with my
sweet and beautiful girlfriend Autumn. Job hunt begins next week. I am
nervous about finding work elsewhere but hopeful that everything here
is going to be a new experience. Spokane is interesting but I haven't
been able to explore it as fully as I would like to yet. As soon as I
get a job and can prove residency I am going to work on getting my
name changed legally. Then will come other little things like finding
a good doctor and starting laser treatment. When I can I dearly need
to find the Dance Culture scene around here because it is a part of my
life I feel I can't be apart from.

There are new and very interesting scenes that Autumn is inviting me
into though and I know that it will all be filled with great new
experiences. More to follow.

Love to all

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous