Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh, Jeez. I am such a geek. I just routed quicktime to one set of outs on my conectiv and foobar2k to the other. I have foobar set as the double click audio player but I use iTunes a lot for organiziation.. Now I can be listening to music and if I find some random crap on the net I can download it to the desktop and doubleclick on it and twist the cue knob on my audio card without having to open it in iTunes until I know I want to keep it..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I recently bought my Digital Vinyl (Ms.Pinky) and USB audio card (conectiv) through The Little Shop of Vinyl so I got a great deal on the hardware. I got fantastic service and everything works beautifully. The vinyl package I got was 2 Splatter Matter, and 2 HQ 180 gram Audiophile vinyl. Which is a pleasure to mix with because its such a solid platter. The Splatter Matters are really a pleasure to look at. One of the most unique vinyl I have ever owned. The reason I chose Ms.Pinky over other brands of digital vinyl is because it is the most well thought out implementation of this idea and designed to be more open and adaptable from the start. It has worked with every software thing I could hook it up to thus far which says a lot about the people behind it.

I also have to say that the software that I use Deckadance has come quite a ways since I started using it and has developed into a software that is at least as pleasurable to use as serato and just as stable. It now has Autogain and Colored waveforms which look even better than seratos and update even faster.

Anyway I am completely satisfied with my purchase and can't wait to play out with it! I'll post some pics of the vinyl soon.