Sunday, December 27, 2009

Intolerance in my "beloved" scene.

So last night at the party I found out that someone had complained that I was in the women's bathroom. The bathroom that I have used for at least a year now without complaint. Granted this is the first dance party I have been to at that particular building in about three or four years. I go to that venue around twice a month for the Gothic/Industrial parties. Not a one person has EVER complained I was in there at those parties. But the one dance party that I go to in several months, this happens. Am I to believe that our scene is more homophobic than Goths? Because thats what this was.  Homophobia. I use the bathroom for just one thing. That thing is my particular business. I don't care who fucks who or does what off the toilet tank in anybody elses stall.  I really wish they would leave me to do my business in my stall.

On the upside, Manic played some fucking dope Dubstep. It was the best music of the night.

P.S. Phil at Terrapin station, You can eat a dick.

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