Monday, September 28, 2009

This makes me want to cry.

In an I totally feel each of their perspectives kind of way.

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous

I just killed a spider with my spironolactone box.

Now I feel like a bad buddhist and a bad girl.

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Round and round she goes..

Where she stops.. and starts.. and how she jumps around well.. That
would be entirely up to you. This is the most recent offering from The
Strange Agency whose other apps Curtis Heavy and Sound Scope Space I already own. I love the design and color schemes
this software publisher uses. I have always been fond of blue and red
and purple. I also love the simplicity of the vector inspired designs.
These apps take the music making paradigm in another direction and
show use how we can manipulate sound sound in two dimensions and yet
still keep it fresh. The DSP Algorithms are elegant and do not produce
dropouts or glitches. I can tell this new app is going to be just as
much fun as the others.

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous

Friday, September 25, 2009

Where is it all going?

So I have been losing weight over the last several months. This is odd
and it causes me to wonder and get somewhat nervous. I've always
stayed at pretty much the same weight throughout my adult life and
have never been able to gain much. The weight that I did seem to gain
went mostly to my stomach, pretty much being in accord with what most
men get; a beer gut. That is pretty much all gone. As well (of course)
as the expected muscle loss. I didn't think I would see this as an
effect but it is somewhat nice considering that if I stick my gut out
as much as possible all I see is a slightly rounded curvature that
looks very feminine. So I got the stomach I never knew I always wanted
but at the same time I have also had really bad stomach cramps for the
last three days.

Breasts are at roughly the same tenderness level they have been for
about 3 months. There is also intermittent puffiness. The shape is
coming in more.. I still don't think I'm an A cup but in certain poses
they do look more like breasts than a skinny guys chest.

My family is coming to visit Boise in about a week. Not my immediate
family; My Grandmother, Aunt, and Aunt and Uncle. My Grandmother being
the only person I don't believe I've come out to. I told my Cousin,
and so I believe my aunt and uncle in Seattle know. But I'm not sure
I've told my uncle because it doesn't really matter if they know or
not (Not that they aren't great people because they are, I just don't
see them flying off the handle and shunning me or treating me any
differently.). I see them only a couple of times every 3 or so years
apart. They have little effect on my life so it was never an issue. I
know for a fact that I've never told my Grandmother because I haven't
seen her since before I started transitioning. I'm really not sure
what she will think.. I don't think it would be especially bad.. She
accepted that one of her grandsons (adopted) was gay. On the other
hand I think our relationship has been mutual disinterest at best.

All the same this doesn't really affect me, nor do I believe I will
see them more than maybe twice for a couple of minutes each during
they week long visit. I work 5 days a week. most of the day so I don't
think they will want to wait around for me to get off of work before
they go to dinner. A sit down meal might be the only reason this
matters at all.

Anyway.. Thats my update for now. For an update of what I look like I
have enclosed pictures. These aren't new to facebook but I have
started to use posterous more often so that I can make my updates
available to all of my online outlets.

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous

Progress feels nice.

Tonight I made a lot of progress on certain computer oriented
projects. Both of these projects I had been trying to wrestle around
with for several weeks. Not because they are particulary complicated
or hard to do, but because whenever I had the time I was tired of
complex technical issues and whenever I wasn't tired I was at work.


The first of these projects completed tonight was getting my iPod
Touch and my Novation Nocturn both mappable reliably. They are both
now visible and sending messages after several restarts. Now I can
concentrate on creating the TouchOSC layout and using a personal one
instead of stock and also setting up the template I will continually
use for all projects both live and performance wise.

The second project was configuring the install of lighttpd on my iPod.
Now I have a real webserver on my iPod instead of the crippled ones
they sell in the app store. Why would I need to do this? I'm a geek.
Why not? I think of cool uses for it later.

And now... off to bed.

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Less software and simpler implementation of standard protocols is
usually better! Hallelujah!
Tonight is going to be a blast.

Posted via email from ezmyrelda's posterous